Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fat-Loss, Not Weight-loss!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and happy new year! A new year means new year resolutions! Now one of the most popular resolutions involve somewhere in the fitness realm. Now I want to help you accomplish your goals to better your life in your health and fitness! 

    One thing I constantly hear in ads on TV, magazines you name it is how it's all about loosing weight and how you can "loose your first 5lbs FAST!" Well, of course you can loose 5lbs relatively quickly, it's usually all water weight you loose to begin with! Then after that's over it then takes a lot more than what you were doing to actually start loosing anything else and that's when people tend to get discouraged. Well don't! 

     You may also notice while you undertake a strength training program that you may notice the scale isn't moving, up or down, specifically down because that's usually what one wants to accomplish when going through a fitness program. But you may also be surprised when you suddenly see the scale tipping up more and you start to freak out and wonder how this might be! Well that answer is quite simple especially if your following a healthy lifestyle with the foods you choose to eat (remember we don't call it a diet! Diets are intimidating and temporary both in duration and results) is usually from the result of muscle gain! Muscle tends to weigh more than fat! And muscle comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. No two people are alike, no two people respond the same way to a program and each person is build differently when it comes to each and every system in our body so what may have worked absolutely wonderfully for one person may work differently or not at all so it is best to go with a personalized fitness plan!

     There are 3 different types of muscle mass/body types that vary person to person depending mainly on their meal plan and workout program:

Ectomorph-Also known as "lean muscle". Ectomorphs have a light build with small joints and lean muscle and tend to find it harder to gain weight and actual muscle mass. They have a fast metabolism which burns up more calories quicker therefor making it more difficult for them to store and gain as either fat or provide with help for gaining any kind of bigger muscle mass. If you are an ectomorph and are looking to gain more muscle mass it is imortant for you to eat before you go to bed to prevent muscle catebolism during the night while you sleep. Loosing fat is much easier for someone with an ectomorph body so cutting back to lean muscle tends to come quickly and easily.

Mesomorph- Large muscle and natural athletic physique. They have the best body type for bodybuilding because they find it easy to gain and loose weight and are naturally strong which makes for an idea platform for bodybuilding. They respond the best to weight training and results come quickly especially when just starting out. A downside can be that mesomorphs gain fat more easily than an ectomorph so calorie intake must be watched carefully. Best results for a mesomorph body is to combine weight training with cardio.

Endomorph-This body type tends to be very solid and soft and gains fat easily. The body is usally of a smaller build with thick, stronger arms and legs. The muscles are very strong, especially in the upper legs, thigh area, making it easier to naturally perform leg extensions like the squat. Unfortunately, when an endomorph trains and gains weight it's usually fat due to a very slow metabolism. In order to help the fat gaining to be at a minimum it is a must to include cardio along with your weight training program if you fall under this category. Usually supplementation is not needed if you are and endomorph so long as you maintain a high amounts of protein in your meal plan. 

     These body types are of course not set in stone and combinations are possible, making it more and more impossible for one workout or diet plan to suit everyone looking to accomplish their goals and no matter what type you are, with the right guidance and research you can accomplish your fitness goals so long as you are determined, disciplined and willing to work for something that isn't going to happen with a snap of a finger!

I would be categorized as closer to an ectomorph. I have a slim frame, high metabolism, lean muscle and I tend to have a very difficult time gaining weight and I mean VERY. People would always like to guess my weight, I'd let them, usually they would guess that me at 5ft 5inches I am around 105-110lbs, they are often shocked when I told them I am 120lbs. It's all in how my body is building it's muscle and how fast my metabolism is. I have a more lean figure and bony structure. It hasn't been until I have recently started a new program of lifting, yes lifting weights. A girl lifting weight?! Yes, but that's for an other blog post! I began lifting heavier and cutting back my cardio and changing up my diet I have managed to gain roughly 5-10 more pounds of lean muscle yet still have my slender physique but I am slowly beginning to see a change in my muscle mass as I keep up the hard work I am doing. 

     So as you can now see, pound loss or gain means absolutely nothing. What you are gaining or loosing (fat or muscle) is what really matters! So often we rely on our scales to tell us how we are doing physically health wise but it's not always the right way to go. That is what makes starting a workout program very difficult. You can loose all sorts of weight in the beginning and then after some time you can get discouraged by seeing your scale tipping higher and higher. Well as you workout routinely and are following a proper meal program you can start to gain muscle mass because, well that's what happens when you work your body/muscles and then provide them with the correct nutrition you will begin developing muscle growth which in turn causes weight gain and depending on your body type you can stay lean, athletic or thick! Everyone reacts differently to muscle gain but in the end it can weigh about the same! 

    So stop hovering over your scale! Scales do not account for the proportion of fat to lean tissue. The real health concern is the portion of fat as compared to overall weight. You aren't doing yourself any favors by freaking out over weight loss or gain when in reality it's the fat loss/gain you need to be focusing on if you are looking to loose fat and muscle loss/gain if that is what you wish to achieve. And depending on your body type you may have to take a different route than your workout buddy or the person next to you pumping some iron!

**You can't change your body type and how it's formed and how your systems work so learn to work with them and do what you can with your specific body type and enjoy it!**           
     Before getting on the scale again consider these points made to help you better understand your fitness goals and establish realistic goals for your body type! 

                              Visual Description Aids
                 BMI and weight from a scale means nothing! 

Fat is your problem, not weight! 

Note: Muscle comes in different sizes yet when comparing muscles they can weigh the same yet be different sizes all depending on the body types disgusted earlier. Fat also floats, muscle that weighs the same as a sample of fat will sink while the fat floats but the muscle is smaller, it's all about density, so clearly weight is not the issue when developing good physical health! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Home Abs!

                                                  Home Ab Workouts

     Hello everyone! Recently I was asked by a friend to send her some workouts that she could do to help get a more toned stomach and get some muscle!

    First off, I'd like to let you all know there is no quick way to get a slim, well muscle toned stomach, it takes time, dedication, and like all other workouts, clean eating!! I know there are a lot of ads out there that you will see "Abs in 30 days!" "Do these 3 things and you'll have abs in no time!" It's just not true, everyone's body works at a different rate. For instance, my arms tone faster than my legs whereas a friend of mine's arms are the last thing they can sculpt and yet her legs seem to come out of nowhere! Everyone's is different so don't get frustrated if you don't see results right away, you will get there just DO NOT GIVE UP!

    So I'd like to help you all out by showing you mainly abdominal exercises that don't involve any equipment so that way you can easily do it at home during your busy schedule!

    I'd like to start this off with a workout routine I like to do from my good friend Brian who put together some fairly popular ab workouts into one routine:

                                                               Ab Routine #1
*Each movement/position (8 total) are each done within 30 seconds making this routine a total of 4 minutes

  1. The Crunch - Lie on the floor, knees bent but separated to the knees and feet are slightly more than hip width apart. Now lift your upper body up, shoulders packed and off the floor and abs contracted with arms forward and hands together in what I like to call The Superman with one hand on top of the other between your legs. Now crunch, but do not bring your upper body to the ground, shoulder blades must not touch the ground, this keeps your abs contracted at all times and you receive more out of your workout unlike a regular crunch. Do this for 30 seconds
  2. Heel Touch - Now you are going to be keeping the same positioning as the crunch with shoulders packed and shoulder blades off the floor keeping the abs in constant contraction except put your arms to your side. The motion is easy, move your torso side to side so that you go back and forth touching your heels, right hand to right heel, left hand to left heel never going down but only moving side to side, This really works your external obliques! Do this for 30 seconds and just keep going side to side until the 30 seconds are up! 
  3. Flutter Kicks- Upper body off the floor the exact same way as 1 and 2, hands under buttocks and legs out straight off the floor slightly. Keep shoulders packed and off the floor so you are constantly contracting your abs. Now in this position slightly oppositely move your legs up and down but not too far apart, do not let the leg that is at the moment on the bottom touch the floor or fling the leg up high on top at the time far up, just a slight "flutter", you want to make sure you are in control and keep it a smooth motion. Do this for 30 seconds.
  4. Modified Boat - Had no other name for this but it looks close like The Boat, a yoga pose. It is the same exact position as the flutter kicks except no flutter kicks. Keeping your legs straight out off the floor, upper body off the floor, shoulders packed and shoulder blades off the floor keeping abs contracted and your hands under your buttocks. Now hold this position for the full 30 seconds. The closer your legs are to the floor the harder it will be and the more you will work those abs!
  5. Side Plank Hip Ups (counts as 2, done on each side) - Start on either right or left side it is up to you, you'll be doing both anyways! All you do is bring your hip down, contracting those abs, and then lift it back up to standard side plank but only let it slightly hover off the ground when bringing it down so you are once again constantly contracting your abs! Keep bring your hip up and down until the 30 seconds are up and then flip to the other side and do the exact same thing!
  6. Spider Walk - In a push-up position, keeping legs either together or separated (together is a better, harder workout) and alternate bending legs and brings them out to the side as if to have the knee touch the elbow. Alternate and complete in 30 seconds
  7. Front Plank - Complete this routine with a 30 second regular front plank. I prefer elbows on the floor. Keep back straight, now sinking back or butt up in the air, you want to keep your back strong, you are not only working your abs, you are also giving your arms, upper back, glutes and quads a good workout! So keep them strong! 
    Now take about a 30 second rest and do it all over again until you have done it 3-5 times!
One main thing, do NOT forget to breathe!! You are not helping yourself by holding your breath, your muscles need oxygen as much as your lungs do so give them what they want!

                                                         Other Ab Workouts

    Of course there's the plank, front and both sides. It's great to get into planking, you aren't only working your abs but when done correctly you work biceps, chest, glutes (butt), quads (thighs), neck, back and calves!! 
The key to planks is to do them regularly!! Do a plank every day so you can improve easier. 
    Do an initial plank to get yourself at a starting point, hold it as long as you can until fail (fail meaning falling down or getting out of correct form) That is your starting point. Do one every day and consistently move up your time. A good starting goal is to try and gain 15-30 seconds per week. It's a realist goal that with the dedication and consistency can be completed! 
When I first stated physical therapy I could hardly hold for 15 seconds and now numerous times I have been able to hold for 10 minutes! So it IS possible!! 
                                                            Plank Variation
    I enjoy shaking things up with my planks to help holding them not get too boring:
Hold a front plank for 2 minutes then get to a side plank position and hold for 30 seconds then switch to the other side for 30 seconds and go back to the front side plank and continue holding for an other 2 minutes and do an other set of 30 second side planks and keep repeating until fatigued.
    Do this every day and before you know it you will improve and get stronger! Sometimes what helps me when doing planks is flipping my timer so I can't see it and therefore are not watching the clock causing the time to go by faster and not give my brain a trigger that once it sees I get to a certain time it thinks that's as far as it can go and my body would then start to shake earlier than it would if I were not looking at the time. Just a simple little mind trick.

*In a front plank, the closer the legs are together the more difficult it becomes making it the more effective way to do a plank. 

                                                          Exercise Ball
    For those who have one, you can do a plank with and exercise ball. It keeps the pressure off the shoulders and from what I've noticed does work the abs more because I most definitely cannot hold this for 10 minutes! 
    You will be in a front plank position with your exercise ball under both your shins sort of at your ankles, closer to your feet the ball is the tougher it is! Use your timer to keep track of your time and go until you just can't anymore.
    If strong enough, bend your legs bringing the ball in and buttocks up, making sure this motion is through the abs and make sure every time you flex and extend back you are using full control. Do about 3-4 sets of 15 reps

    With your exercise ball now bring it under your arms so your forearms are resting on the ball and hold the plank like this. To make it more challenging move the ball with your arms up and down, side to side and/or in a circular motion alternating clockwise and anticlockwise keeping sure you do these in a smooth, strong and controlled fashion. Once again doing about 3-4 sets of 15 reps (up and down =1, side to side =1, one full circle = 1) 

Now of course you want to be sure that you get your protein to help rebuild muscle you broke down while working them and get the carbs you need to complete the rest of your day after you complete a workout if you want to see results and work on clean eating! Abs are made in the kitchen! Muscle growth and fitness goals do not stop at the gym, they come with you during your daily life, the food you eat and the stress you face. So eat right, eat enough and eat according to your goals!
 More about the right supplements and foods to eat when on a workout plan will come soon to this blog so hang tight! 

*Keep track of your progress, this will not only let you know where you are at with these workouts but also let you see your progress and therefore keep you motivated and encouraged to keep up with it! :)

Keep up the amazing work everyone! Don't give up and don't slack! This isn't easy and won't happen over night. If you really want something you have to work your butt off for it, nothing good happens while in a hurry or in little to no time at all.

                                                              Front Plank                                                         

                                                                 Side Plank
                  (note how squared off both hips and shoulders are facing forward) 
                                                     Exercise Ball Plank #1

                                                                Exercise Ball Plank #2
                                                                   Spider Walk

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Drink MORE Water!

I know for a lot of people continuously drinking water throughout the day can be tough, especially with all these other soft drinks and other flavored drinks out there and advertised and how good they taste. One cannot make someone drink more water, it's all up to you and whether you want to better your life or not. But before you decide to just totally ignore all this I want to give some facts about drinking water. Plain water, none with that sugary powder artificial stuff you find on a grocery shelf.

                                    Why We Need Water

1. Your body is made up of about 65% water, brain 70% and lungs about 90% and it needs to be replenished daily! You aren't made up of soda, gatorade or energy drinks so why drink it throughout the day if it's not doing your body any favors except dehydrating t?

2. Water is used by your body, it's not just hanging out in there, it's being used up daily by your joints and organs during every day 
tasks, even sitting still water is being used throughout your body to keep your body temperature normal, nourish and protect the brain, spinal cord and many other tissues so the need for it is not only when your working out and doing any kind of strenuous activity, it's also needed while your even just sitting around reading a book!

3. DEHYDRATION! Did you know as soon as you become thirsty you are already dehydrated? The only way you are going to fix 
this is by gulping down some water! You don't want to drink anything, especially at this time anything with sodium, it's one of the main causes of dehydration and it will only make you more thirsty, more dehydrated. Dehydration can have major consequences, dizziness, fainting, headaches, irritability and this is merely the early stages of dehydration. The longer you go without replenishing your body with pure water the worse you will become. You can last about a week with damaging symptoms until you whither into a coma and die.

4. Soft drinks and other drinks that just aren't pure water actually 
take away our water supply from our bodies when we drink them. So every sip you take of that sprite or pepsi, you are depleting your body more and more of one of the main things in your body sustaining your life and helping your body operate.

5. Healthy, clear skin. Your skin cannot stay hydrated without the proper amount of water, you cannot simply throw some lotion on your face and carry on. For one most lotions have ingredients such as alcohol that, just like the inside of your body, will actually dry out your skin. Your skin will get a lot more hydrated and healthier by a glass of water than just a squirt of lotion so drink up! 
6. Water helps your body in the fight against from the smallest cold to a troubling disease. All during my fight with Chronic Lyme I made it a point to drink plenty of water to help replenish my body and fuel it for the daily fight against the disease. Especially since this disease caused me to have lots of migraines, weakness, fatigue and so many other symptoms water helped me lessen or completely get rid of so long as I kept up with my water intake and added it to my treatment plan my doctor had me on.

                     How Much Water Should You Drink?

   I'm sure you've heard it said "Recommended water intake for a human is 8 cups a day" Well, seeing as no two humans are alike how can there be a single recommendation of water intake for a human? Everyone has a different body type, different weight, and different lifestyle.

Recommended water intake from the ISSA Personal Trainer Course Book:
-  This does not just apply for the days you work out, decide which one best describes your lifestyle such as what you do for work and how it effects your body so drink the needed amount you calculated daily.

Step 1: Select and appropriate need factor

0.5 - Sedentary. no sports or training
0.6 - Jogger or light fitness training
0.7- Moderate daily weight training or moderate training 3x a week
0.8 - Moderate daily weight training or aerobic training
0.9- Heavy weight training daily
1.0 - Heavy weight training daily plus sports training, or "2 a-day" training

Step 2: Multiply weight (in pounds) by the appropriate need factor to arrive at the recommended water 
intake in ounces per day.

example: my weight 120lbs x my need factor 0.8

120 x 0.8 = 96oz per day or around 3 liters per day

  Now, it's always best to drink plain water. I always hear people complain after I tell them "I don't like the taste of plain water I need to put something like crystalite for flavor" well first off it's not that you "don't like" the taste of water, you are just so use to having some sort of sugary taste to it which is yet an other addiction to break from that is not easy but is possible. One way you can break yourself from it is by adding natural flavor, cut up strawberries, plop in some blueberries, pineapple, fresh lemon and any other fresh fruits to your water if you must have flavor. But do your best to take yourself off that too by just constantly drinking water, you will get use to it, the sugary artificial flavor packets for water is an addiction but once you break it plain water will become a new addiction!

                      How to manage your daily water intake

 See the picture at the top of this post? This is a GREAT way to get yourself disciplined to drink all the water you need by the end of your day! Take any water bottle you have, doesn't have to be a gallon jug or plastic, you can use a re-usable one so long as it completely takes the amount of water you need daily and put time marks on it to give you a certain time to finish a certain amount of water before the next time comes to the next line! It really is that simple! I'm not telling you to drink all that water at once and it can be intimidating when you look at it all but once you break it down it becomes a lot easier to manage!
   One thing I even did to remind myself to drink water (even something to remember as simple as that was tough with this disease) I placed a bunch of notes all over my house that said "drink water". I know it sounds crazy but there was nothing normal about my life while I was at my worst and it worked! Whatever it takes to help you remember, do it!!

I hope this helps you all realize the importance of drinking water, how much YOU as an individual should be drinking daily to meet your needs and how to make sure you get that needed amount on a daily basis!

Love to all and keep up the great work! And stay hydrated! Your entire body will thank you :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Don't Eat Less, Eat Right

   This is something I know many people struggle with, especially with all the crazy ads on TV and magazines about eating less food. It certainly doesn't help that we see photoshopped models (a whole other discussion we will get to) all over the place skinny as can be with the only explanation coming to mind how she got that way was through not eating. 
   This is of course FALSE!! You don't have to eat less to loose weight or get to a certain fitness goal. Yes different rules apply for all the body builders and fitness competitors out there but for the every day human, starving is not the answer. Your body needs fuel to operate and majority of that fuel is through carbohydrates. You're body will burn it all off for fuel, but, if you are consuming more than you are burning off that is when it becomes a problem. One of the most important things about even moderate exercise is that it will help you burn off the extra carbs you consume that you simply cannot burn off while doing your daily tasks. 
    Sure, if you eat less you will loose weight, but it will also make you tired and very irritated, you wont have the carbohydrates needed in order to perform simple day-to-day tasks, then once you reach your desired weight and go back to eating the foods you use to and the same portions you will gain all that weight and more back quicker than you took it off. Patience is key. If you get yourself into healthy habits and begin to eat the right foods and start working on exercising more you will get much better results than from simply eating less. You're energy levels will increase, healthier skin, nails, a happy inside and so much more benefits that go well beyond just the inside of your body just by eating well and it doesn't have to be hard! Eating right can be very easy if you have the patience, I don't like the word "diet" when people think about diet they think "temporary eating restriction torture" no I prefer "healthy lifestyle" especially because it's long term and encouraging to make it a part of your life. Once you get yourself familiarized with what is healthy and what is not it becomes much easier to adapt to this lifestyle the key is to not give up, this isn't an easy thing to do with all the advertisements out there for food that isn't good for you everywhere these days, so be patience and don't give up you will get there!! Unhealthy habits are a hard addiction to break but you can do it! 

Love to all and keep up the amazing work!